The 3 Ways of DevOps as the Keys to Developer-Centric Application Security

  • Date
    September 8, 2022
  • Time
    10:00 AM EDT
  • Broadcast At
    Zoom Live
Webinar Speaker
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Larry Maccherone

About Webinar

Developer-Centric Application Security is a cultural transformation that you cannot achieve without building your approach around Gene Kim’s 3 Ways of DevOps: Flow, Feedback, and Learning. This talk defines those concepts with application security examples and visuals that will bring them home for security leaders.

📚 What will you learn?
✅ The bottleneck preventing most development teams from achieving ‘Flow’ on vulnerability resolution
✅ The ideal place to provide developer ‘Feedback’ and why it’s 100x more effective than where most folks are providing it today
✅ The keys to turning every incident and vulnerability into a ‘Learning’ opportunity