Container Security Best Practices for 2024

by | Feb 19, 2023

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Container Security best practices

We are innovators who invent new technology daily to bring breakthroughs to address problems with existing concepts and technologies. Containers are a key innovation in overcoming virtualisation’s challenges. But, some innovators are brilliantly wicked to challenge the loopholes in even the best of technologies. The preferred architecture for major corporations like Netflix, Amazon, Uber, Spotify, etc. is micro-service architecture.

Because most micro-services rely heavily on containers, it has become a primary target for attacks. As a result, most enterprises are increasingly focusing on enhancing container security. What exactly is container security, why is it crucial, and what best practices can guarantee container security in 2024? This blog seeks to answer all of the questions raised above.

Top 5 Container Security Best Practices

Now that the containers have matured in their service, it also expands opportunities for the system’s surface for more attacks. Therefore it is important to follow and implement best container security practices to keep the applications and infrastructure free from vulnerabilities. Following listed are the Top 5 best container security practices that you can follow

Include Code Scanning in the CI/CD process

Inspecting your code before executing the container image is essential to prevent flaws and malicious content from sneaking into the system.

Sonarqube is one of many SAST (Static Application Security Testing) tools that scan all code languages for vulnerabilities by identifying problems based on rules, linters, etc.

Code scanning may significantly improve code quality when included in the CI/CD process.

Dependency Scanning

Numerous applications incorporate dependencies and libraries from other sources. Reusing external code can leave containers vulnerable to risks planted by malicious penetration through these dependencies and libraries. Every application-building process needs to give priority to dependency scanning. Many package management systems, like Go, npm, Maven, etc., can help by revealing vulnerabilities in an application’s dependencies. Analysis of the results of dependency scanning helps to identify the scope of threats it presents. 

Securing Registries

Since registries are mostly where container images are stored, they can become the main target for attacks and malicious penetrations. There are both public and private registries; if you use private registries, implementing strong access controls can strengthen container security.  Strengthening the controls by signing the image can further lift the container safety

Ensuring the Security of Container Runtime

Some of the best practices for Container Security involve securing Container Runtime. Ensuring separate VPNs for Containers can give better container isolation. It is better to limit the connectivity between containers and allow it only if necessary.

For container security, it is also important to expose only the SSH port and no other ports that do not serve the application. Moreover, using TLS ensures that all communications are encrypted between two containers. There are many practices you can employ to secure container runtime and are very helpful in keeping away threats.

Image Scanning

Developers must be careful in properly vetting a container image, especially ones  developed by third parties. Container Image scanning involves monitoring and analyzing packaging and other dependencies in the container image file. It can help developers to update container images and make them free from any vulnerabilities and threats before publishing them. You can integrate it with the CI/CD pipeline and make it a necessary part of the Devsecops workflow.

What is Container Security?

Container Security involves identifying all possible points of vulnerabilities in Containers and wisely implementing efficient security practices, tools, strategies, and development frameworks in the deployment and runtime of Containers. This helps in securing containers against malicious attacks that can enter the applications that it supports and the infrastructure it relies on.

 Why is Container Security Important?

Containers are one of the best technologies that help build, ship, deploy, and scale applications seamlessly. This has increased the popularity of containers, making them an appealing target. Though containers have inherent security advantages, you must follow many to ensure their security.

 A container affected by vulnerabilities can open doors to threats that can spread to organizations’ broader environment. Recently, security researchers have warned to adhere to good container security practices after finding 1652 malicious images on the docker hub. Similarly, Docker identified five malicious container images in 2021 that used 120,000 users to mine cryptocurrency. 

The attacks on Containers are increasing, and it is crucial to implement effective security practices to keep containers and dependent applications and infrastructure safe from attack.

Container Security Tools

Explore advanced tools like Aqua Security, Sysdig, and Twistlock, which offer capabilities beyond traditional monitoring. These platforms enable real-time threat detection, automated security policies, and detailed audit trails, making them essential for maintaining robust container security. Tailor tool selection to match your specific security needs and integration requirements within your existing infrastructure.

Container Security Techniques

Leverage cutting-edge techniques such as behavioral analytics, anomaly detection, and machine learning to enhance container security. Implementing these methods allows for proactive identification of unusual patterns and potential threats, ensuring a secure container environment. Embed these techniques early in the development phase to mitigate risks effectively.

Securing Container Runtime

Ensure container runtime security by using minimal base images and enhancing kernel security. Tools like gVisor or Kata Containers provide additional isolation layers to protect against vulnerabilities. Implement strict configuration management practices to minimize the attack surface and enforce security at the runtime level.

Implementing Container Security in CI/CD Pipeline

Integrate security seamlessly into the CI/CD pipeline with automated tools and plugins. Utilize Jenkins or GitLab CI to embed security checks, such as image scanning and compliance testing, directly into the build and deployment processes. This automation ensures that security is a continuous focus throughout the development and deployment lifecycle.

Container Security in SDLC

Incorporate security practices throughout the software development lifecycle by adopting a ‘security as code’ approach. Enforce security policies from the initial planning stages through to deployment, ensuring compliance and mitigating risks at every phase. Regular security audits and updates should be integral to the SDLC to adapt to emerging threats.

Challenges in Securing Containers

Address common challenges in container security such as misconfigurations, inadequate network segmentation, and persistent storage vulnerabilities. Educate teams on best practices and common pitfalls to avoid. Implementing robust monitoring and response strategies can help quickly detect and remediate issues.

Shared Responsibility Model in Container Security

Understand the shared responsibility model in container security, distinguishing between the security obligations of the cloud provider and the user. The provider secures the infrastructure, while users must protect their applications and data. Clear communication of responsibilities and compliance with security protocols are crucial to safeguarding containerized environments.


Selecting a Containerised platform can bring more security to your application development. However, there are steps you can take to secure your containers from being vulnerable, thereby securing everything relied on it. Implementing container security best practices throughout the container lifecycle can help remove threats before they exploit its broader environment. Containers are frequently exposed to threats from data, libraries, dependencies, and applications that it accommodates. Therefore implementing container security practices is a continuous process. It requires skilled container security professionals who are well-versed in the concepts of container security, orchestration tools, and cloud infrastructure as most containers are cloud-native.

 Most Frequently Asked Questions

What are the most common vulnerabilities in container environments?

Misconfigurations, insecure APIs, and use of non-secure base images are prevalent. Exposure arises from inadequate access controls and unpatched vulnerabilities within containers and their software dependencies.

How do you ensure secure container orchestration in Kubernetes?

Use Role-Based Access Control (RBAC), Network Policies, and regularly update Kubernetes to the latest version. Isolate sensitive workloads and implement security contexts to limit container privileges.

What are the best tools for container image scanning?

Clair, Trivy, and Anchore are highly effective for scanning container images for vulnerabilities. These tools integrate well with CI/CD pipelines, enhancing continuous security practices.

How do you implement effective dependency scanning in containers?

Integrate dependency scanning tools like Snyk or Dependabot into your CI/CD pipeline. Regularly update your dependency lists and scan for known vulnerabilities during the build process.

What are the key practices for securing container registries?

Implement strict access controls, enable content trust and image signing, and use private registries for sensitive applications. Regularly scan images for vulnerabilities and audit logs for unauthorized access.

How can organizations ensure continuous security for container runtimes?

Regularly update and patch container runtimes and host systems. Implement runtime security monitoring tools that can detect and respond to abnormal activity in real-time.

What role does CI/CD play in container security?

CI/CD automates the integration of security at every step, from code analysis to deployment. It ensures vulnerabilities are caught early, and security practices are consistently applied across all development stages.

How do you secure container communication and network traffic?

Implement network segmentation, use encrypted communications with TLS, and apply strict firewall rules. Employ service meshes like Istio for enhanced security policies and traffic control.

What are the benefits of using TLS for container security?

TLS encrypts data in transit, preventing interception and ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of container communications. It is crucial for protecting sensitive data and maintaining trust between services.

How can organizations stay updated on the latest container security threats and solutions?

Organizations regularly need to subscribe for security bulletaries, attend industry conferences, and participate in professional forums. Utilize threat intelligence platforms and conduct periodic security training for your teams to address new vulnerabilities effectively.

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Meet The Author

Misbah Thevarmannil

Misbah Thevarmannil

Misbah Thevarmannil is a content engineer who thrives at the intersection of creativity and technical writing expertise. She scripts articles on DevSecOps and Cybersecurity that are technically sound, clear, and concise to readers. With a knack for translating complex DevSecOps concepts into engaging narratives, she empowers developers and security professionals alike.


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